Eccles Cakes

On the recommendation of many from this group I have been reading and enjoying Maisie Dobbs. My problem is that I tune into the food being eaten (even when reading Enid Blyton when I didn’t like hard boiled eggs but ate them because the Famous Five did☺️). So Maisie met someone for coffee and they ate Eccles cakes. My grandmother used to make brilliant Eccles cakes, and later my sister, but I haven’t tried my hand for at least 20 years. But this morning I tackled Nanna’s recipe and this is the product. Now back to the book 😎

Eccles cakes are rounds of thin puff pastry which you fill with a mixture of dried currants, butter, Demerara sugar and mixed spice. The cooked mixture is put in the middle of each round then you pinch the dough together like making a dumpling. Then turn it over (seam side down) and press it out thin. Sprinkle with a little caster sugar and bake in a hot oven. The recipe I used does not have citrus peel in it but many recipes do. My preference is to make the pastry as thin as possible 😁


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